Good and Bad Blogs: What’s the Difference?
The World Wide Web has come a long way, and we have seen lots of trends come and go over the years. Some of them have been popular for a really long time, take for instance blogs or even the online bonus codes like the Sun Bingo Bonus Code. As this article focuses on blogs only, we’ll just discuss that this time. And, we have to admit that blogging has changed quite a bit since its origins.
The history of blogs
When they emerged, in the late 1990s, blogs were mainly intended to be online diaries of individuals. This remained the case for more than a decade –individuals were the ones who created blogs, until around 2010, when first multiple-author blogs were created, and a new path was set for the future of blogging. What was once a journal or a diary today became a professional tool for advertising and attracting clients, sharing knowledge, and conducting business in general. One thing that connects the blogs of the past and blogs today is content. Content is precisely what attracts readers to your blog, whether you are writing about your daily experiences, or if you have a niche topic that attracts a chosen audience from all over the world. In any case, the easiest distinction that we can make is that between good and bad blogs. If you have a blog, or if you are thinking about starting one, here are some distinctions that you need to keep in mind.
Formatting a blog

A good blogger will put in a lot of effort into making their blog look nice; even the best content cannot be as appealing when it is presented in a bad way. Good blogs will avoid huge, unformatted chunks of text, which look unappealing and intimidating. Also, the lack of any kind of image that illustrates the text will always make the post look boring and look like a legal document, rather than, for example, a culinary blog post. Most of the impressions that we make are visual, so a good balance of colors is also recommended; good bloggers should avoid making everything a single color, as it tends to blend and become tiring after a while.
Post quality
Google has created an acronym that can help people quickly assess the quality of the material they are reading – E.A.T., which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Although this is a way that Google filters their search results, it can be very helpful in differentiating between good and bad blogs; a good blog will never be overcrowded with quotes, empty, meaningless statements that just serve to fill up space, or content that is blatantly copied from other blogs. The ideas presented should be original, thoughtful, and well-composed. Some things that can be found in a good blog post are comparisons, quoted sources, information gathered from various sources, success and failure testimonies, and generally anything with a genuine and personal touch from the author.
Call to action

If a blog is relevant, i.e. addresses a current issue, the person behind it should usually offer some sort of suggestion for action or solution. Whether it is a solution for garden pests, better varnish application, or just a cake recipe, a blog post ought to include some tips for acting on a certain problem –how to approach it and what can be done to improve/change it. The call-to-action is most commonly found at the end of the blog post, so naturally, the content should be engaging enough so that the audience follows the post through to the end. Of course, not literally every blog post can be life-changing, but a good author should strive to engage their audience as much as possible with each sentence, as that is something that makes people revisit their blog.