The Value of Visual Content in Blogging
Starting your own blog can be as exciting and confusing at the same time. However, the more you read and learn about it in advance, the more “shortcuts” you will have in the whole process. Yes, the essence is creating great content someone will love reading. But there is more to blogging than that. Visual effects in blogging are as important as the written content and optimization. In case you want to learn more about it, stick around.
Attracting the Attention
The users who are interested in a particular subject and visit a certain blog are likely to spend more time at those blogs where pictures are included. Visual content attracts the attention of the readers’ minds greatly. Even if someone is skimming through the text, they will be able to digest it easier if there are some photos in it. If not, there is a possibility that they will leave your website pretty fast.
Contribution to Your Content

First of all, images are a great contribution to any content.For example, if you are doing a little storytelling on your blog it would be convenient for both you and the reader if you’d use some pictures. The flow of the textual content will look more natural with a photo here and there. In addition, you will have the leisure of using fewer words if you use the right photo that conveys the right message. It will also give you freedom in writing and give you the possibility to further explain your thoughts via photos and illustrations.
After all, visual content is processed much easier and faster than the written one.
The Positioning of Visual Effects
The placement of images on your blog is of great importance. First you need to ask yourself the question “What is the goal of this picture?”. There could be many intentions such as placing a photo to be a focal point, featured image, thumbnail pictures, and so on. Figuring that out will make the placement much easier, and that particular visual effect can be considered purposeful.
Image Optimization for Blog Use
If you haven’t heard of this one, pay special attention, since it might just be one of the most important pieces of information related to the subject. Placing the images, fitting them into the right part of your blog post or website is quite important. But have you ever heard of picture optimization? Your image could help with your blog’s SEO with just a little bit of right picture naming and metadata. To put it simply, doing this will help your image (and blog) be visible in the search engine results.